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representing special needs community
special needs trusts
planning and advocacy
we are here to help

Welcome To San Diego
Special Needs Law Center

If you have a family member with a disability, you want to assure they have the best possible care and quality of life, both now and later when you are no longer able to be the advocate you are today. If you are a person with a disability, you want to be able to qualify for the benefits and programs you need to achieve as much independence as possible. At San Diego Special Needs Law Center, it is our mission to make sure you have all the support and tools in place to achieve these goals.

Contact Us

For more information or
to make an appointment

619 235-4357

Convenient, just off The 52


We have over 30 years experience in Special Needs Law and our community, working in the following practice areas:

  • Special Needs Trusts and Estate Planning for Families Developmental Disablilities
  • Conservatorships and Limited Conservatorships for those with Developmental Disablilities
  • Public Benefits Planning
  • Care Advocacy
  • Preservation of Benefits Eligibility in Litigation Settlement or Inheritance Scenarios
  • Life Care Planning

We also enjoy our relationships with various advocacy groups and the disability community. It is through the interaction with our clients and these groups that we continue to learn and grow, and better serve our client’s needs.

Our Senior attorney, Phil Lindsley, is both a Certified Special Needs Law Attorney and a Certified Legal Specialist in Estate Planning, Trusts and Probate (State Bar of California, Board of Legal Specialization). He has been serving families and individuals with disabilities for over 30 years.

To learn more about us, click HERE